Services: Training & Seminars
Leadership and Mastering Performance Management,
A Supervisory Mid-Management Seminar: Phase III
The Leader as Coach
Our research has shown that when there are performance problems in public safety organizations, invariably it is a result of failing to confront performance breakdown. As much as we in the public safety culture are concerned with control it is not just t the micromanaging that translates into performance issues and the front pages of the news, but the failure to confront performance shortcomings that peers and supervisors routinely note in day to day activities of an individual but hesitate to confront head on.
Phase III of this series builds on the previous two phases of this program utilizing previously introduced tools of the DiSC© and Situational Leadership II©, and will assist an individual and an agency to implement The Seven Layers of Success© as well as to pass The Leadership Test.©. It is an intensive, interactive, multi-media course using discussion, hands on activity and exercises that develop supervisory and instructional skills in leaders and trainers. The course provides the most current understanding of how our brain learns with how supervisors and instructors can best improve the performance of those that they leave. The class will prepare supervisors, leaders and trainers to build and deliver procedure based performance improvement programs that make the individual more effective within a safe environment while getting the most from available training time and resources.
Participants will be immersed in learning and practicing the very best, evidence based, procedure based supervision and training methods in a “learn it today, use it tomorrow” format.
Topics include:
- How we learn and why Street Smart Performance works
- Best work practices
- Rep best work practices
- Properly coaching feedback
- Performance management and evaluation